Amending the Apportionment and Redistricting Process

You can vote Yes or No on this ballot proposal, which would amend the New York State Constitution.

What You Will See on the Ballot

This proposed constitutional amendment would freeze the number of state senators at 63, amend the process for the counting of the state’s population, delete certain provisions that violate the United States Constitution, repeal and amend certain requirements for the appointment of the co-executive directors of the redistricting commission and amend the manner of drawing district lines for congressional and state legislative offices. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

Proposal Summary

After each Census, district lines for Federal (Congress) and State (State Senate and Assembly) elected offices can be redrawn to account for changes in population. This process is led by the New York State Independent Redistricting Commission.

If Ballot Question #1 Passes

  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to set the number of State Senators at 63.
  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to require New York State to count the total population in the Census, regardless of citizenship status.
  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to ensure incarcerated people are counted in the Census at their last place of residence prior to incarceration.
  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to require seven votes for the Independent Redistricting Commission to approve their plan, regardless of their political affiliation.
  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to require a simple majority in the State Legislature to approve the Commission’s plan, regardless of which party controls the legislature.
  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to allow the Independent Redistricting Commission to select co-Executive Directors by a simple majority, regardless of political party.
  • The New York State Constitution would be amended to require the Independent Redistricting Commission to submit their first redistricting plan to the State Legislature by January 1, 2022, and by November 15 starting in 2031.

Statements for and against the proposal

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  • Vòt Antisipe

    Samdi 26 Oktòb 2024 - Dimanch 3 Novanm 2024
  • Dat limit demann Bilten Vòt Alavans/Bilten Vòt Moun ki Absan nan kourye lapòs/korespondans ak fòm Enskripsyon Elektè yo

    Samdi, 26 Oktòb 2024
  • Dat limit enskripsyon Elektè yo

    Samdi, 26 Oktòb 2024
  • Dat limit pou demann Bilten Vòt Alavans/Bilten Vòt Moun moun ki Absan nan kourye lapòs/korespondans (an pèsòn)

    Lendi 4 Novanm 2024