Jwenn bilten vòt ou

Antre adrès ou pou w ka chèche kandida ki sou bilten vòt ou a pou eleksyon jeneral novanm nan.

Want to browse a list of races and candidates for city offices this November? You’ve come to the right place.

Eleksyon 2021 yo

Konsènan Gid Elektè a

This is the digital version of NYC’s official November 2021 General Election Voter Guide. By law, NYC Votes mails a printed Voter Guide to every household with an eligible registered voter in New York City. All registered voters can vote in the general election for candidates of any party. The profiles and photos in this Guide were submitted to NYC Votes by the candidates, all of whom have affirmed that the information provided is true to the best of their knowledge. The views expressed in the candidate statements do not represent those of NYC Votes. This Guide lists all the candidates who submitted profiles to NYC Votes and were expected to be on the ballot at the time of publication.

Jwenn Sit Sondaj Mwen an

Jwenn Sit Sondaj Mwen an

Vizite sit entènèt BOE a epi antre adrès ou pou w jwenn biwo vòt ou.

Jwenn Sit Sondaj Mwen an

Dat Kle yo

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