More Notice and Time Before Votes on Public Safety Legislation

Why is this proposal on the ballot?

The 2024 Charter Revision Commission reviewed the New York City Charter to ensure its efficiency and responsiveness to all New Yorkers, held public hearings and conducted outreach to solicit public input, and offered the following suggested changes.

What this proposal says:

Pwopozisyon sa a ta egzije plis preyavi piblik ak tan anvan Konsèy minisipal la vote sou lwa ki respekte operasyon sekirite piblik Depatman Lapolis, Depatman Sèvis Koreksyonèl oswa Depatman Ponpye yo.

Vote "Wi" pral mande plis avi ak tan anvan Konsèy la vote sou lwa ki respekte operasyon Sekirite Piblik nan Depatman Lapolis, Koreksyonèl oswa Ponpye. Vote "Non" ap kenbe lwa yo jan yo ye.

What this proposal means:

The Council must give 30 days notice before voting on public safety laws that impact the Police Department, Department of Correction, or the Fire Department. During this time, the Mayor and affected City agencies may also hold public hearings to hear additional public input.

Si Pwopozisyon sa a pase:

The Mayor and affected agencies could use the 30-day period to hold public hearings on the proposal.

Summary of Statements in Support of Ballot Proposal 4:

The CFB received 4 public comments supporting proposal 4. The comments express support for requiring additional public notice and review time before the City Council votes on public safety issues which will ensure public awareness and involvement in decisions that affect safety. The CFB received no comments from organizations.

Summary of Statements in Opposition of Ballot Proposal 4:

The CFB received 14 public comments opposing proposal 4. The comments cite concerns that Proposal 4 could result in excessive bureaucracy and allow the Mayor to interfere in the scheduling of votes which could hinder timely responses to public safety threats and would give the Mayor undue influence over the processes of the City Council. The CFB received comments from the following organizations:

  • City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams
  • Legal Aid Society
  • New York Civil Liberties Union
  • New Yorkers Defending Democracy
  • Surveillance Technology Oversight Project
  • The Jails Action Coalition and HALT Solitary Campaign (JAC/HALT)

Dat Kle yo

  • Vòt Antisipe

    Samdi 26 Oktòb 2024 - Dimanch 3 Novanm 2024
  • Dat limit demann Bilten Vòt Alavans/Bilten Vòt Moun ki Absan nan kourye lapòs/korespondans ak fòm Enskripsyon Elektè yo

    Samdi, 26 Oktòb 2024
  • Dat limit enskripsyon Elektè yo

    Samdi, 26 Oktòb 2024
  • Dat limit pou demann Bilten Vòt Alavans/Bilten Vòt Moun moun ki Absan nan kourye lapòs/korespondans (an pèsòn)

    Lendi 4 Novanm 2024