Elections September 17, 2024

September 17, 2024

By Madonna Hernandez , Content Editor

NYC Votes selebre Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè 2024

Poukisa Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè yo enpòtan nan vil Nouyòk

National Voter Registration Day 2024 (official website)  gives us a chance to reflect on the fact that NYC currently has over 5 million registered voters. That’s a lot. In fact, it’s more than some of the country's other big cities including Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia.  Nearly 4 out of every 5 city residents are registered and eligible to cast their ballot. We’ve come a long way. But in a city of over 8 million, it’s still not enough. 

Gen kominote atravè Vil Nouyòk ki bezwen plis aksè nan resous ak sipò ke sèlman vòt ak lòt fòm angajman sivik kapab bay. Anrejistre Elektè se premye etap la pou rive jwenn yo. Ak yon Eleksyon prezidansyèl apwoche rapidman, konvèsasyon nasyonal la chanje pou mete aksan sou pwoblèm ki pi laj ki afekte Ameriken yo pi lwen pase 5 Awondisman an. 

But we can’t forget about what’s happening in our own city. Voting is the simplest way to be part of changing NYC for the better. The first way to create that change is to get more New Yorkers registered to vote.

Kilè Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè yo nan 2024?

September 17, 2024 is National Voter Registration Day. It’s  America’s largest nonpartisan civic holiday.  Held on a Tuesday in September every year since its inception in 2012, organizations and public figures have championed the cause, adding their voices to the thousands of participants encouraging voter registration in events nationwide  throughout the day.

Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè nan Vil Nouyòk se Septanm 17, 2024
NYC Votes pou anrejistre nouvo Elektè

How to Register to Vote in NYC this NVRD

Si sèlman tout bagay nan vil Nouyòk te fasil tankou enskri pou vote. 

You can register to vote online with NYC Votes and TurboVote. It takes less than 5 minutes to register to vote in NYC

You can also complete a voter registration form and mail it to the Board of Elections or visit your local office to register in person.

Or join one of the many 2024 National Voter Registration Day events happening around the city, and ask a volunteer to help you get registered!

Registering to vote is the first step in engaging with your city meaningfully. It empowers you to influence New York City’s elected leaders on the issues that really matter to you: the cost of rent, access to basic resources, effective public transportation, and education. 

If you’re having any trouble getting registered, NYC Votes is here to help!

Dat limit Enskripsyon Elektè NYC a 2024

We all have a lot going on, and election dates in NYC can be easy to lose track of, but here's one to remember: the deadline to register to vote in New York City is October 26, 2024. 

The first day of early voting in NYC is also the last day to register to vote in the upcoming 2024 election.

Men, yon fwa ou enskri pou vote, li pral yon bagay mwens pou panse anvan ou voye Bilten Vòt ou.

Kisa Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè yo ye?

Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè (NVRD) se yon apèl nasyonal nan aksyon, ak konkou enskripsyon Elektè ak evènman pou ogmante enskripsyon Elektè ak angajman atravè Konte a. Li vle asire ke tout sitwayen ki kalifye yo kapab patisipe nan yon pati fondamantal nan demokrasi nou an.  Enskripsyon se kòmansman pwosesis sa a. 

NVRD was established in 2012 by a coalition of non-profit organizations and civic groups to address gaps in voter registration and to encourage civic engagement. About 2000 civic organizations around the country helped launch the first National Voter Registration Day. Notable figures in sports, entertainment, and politics added their voices to the thousands of volunteers working on the ground to encourage voter registration. The nationwide coalition shares graphics for social media posts, field resources, logo merchandise, and coordinates fundraising and volunteer efforts.

Byenke NVRD se yon efò kowòdone ki fèt pa anpil òganizasyon atravè peyi a, gwoup lokal tankou NYC Votes dirije chaj la nan pwòp kominote nou yo pou yo ka tande Elektè dirèkteman epi pataje resous espesifik NYC.

1 nan 4 moun yo pa anrejistre pou vote oswa yo pa konnen si yo
NVRD 2024 Grafik bwat zouti medya sosyal yo

Fason pou patisipe nan Jounen Nasyonal Enskripsyon Elektè nan Vil Nouyòk nan 2024

Kit ou anrejistre deja oswa tou senpleman vle ede moun ou konnen, gen anpil fason pou patisipe. 

You can help by organizing or participating in local voter registration drives at community centers, libraries, and schools. Or join us at one of our NYC Votes volunteer events

Gently nudging your neighbors and friends, and family to check their voter registration status or register to vote can’t hurt either. 

Collaborating with local organizations that focus on voter education and outreach (like us!)  can help ensure more people are informed about their voting rights.

Yon Evènman Enskripsyon Elektè 2024 nan Vil Nouyòk

A History of Voting in NYC

In honor of National Voter Registration Day this year, let’s take a closer look at the history of voting in New York City.

  1. Premye Alèt Eleksyon nan tout Vil la
    Vil Nouyòk te fè premye Eleksyon minisipal li nan 1665, ak sitwayen yo te vote pou lidè lokal yo, enkli Majistra a.
  2. Lwa sou Dwa pou Vote 1965 la
    Lwa federal sa a te gen yon enpak siyifikatif nan vil Nouyòk, espesyalman Brooklyn, Bronx ak Manhattan, ki te ede amelyore pousantaj enskripsyon Elektè ki te ba anpil pou peryòd sa a.
  3. Jèn yo vote
    Nan 1971, laj pou vote nan New York te soti nan 21 rive nan 18.
  4. Hey se nou!
    An 1988, Komisyon Konsèy Finansman kanpay la te fòme pou elimine baryè pou patisipe nan Eleksyon epi ankouraje transparans nan politik vil la. Depi lè sa a n ap goumen pou yon koz ki jis!

As November approaches, New Yorkers have an opportunity to shape our future. Voting is not just a right. It’s a powerful tool for driving change on the issues that matter most to this city and holding our elected leaders accountable to our communities. By first registering and then making a plan to vote in the upcoming election, you help ensure that our values are represented by those who represent us. Let’s put that registration to good use and get every registered NYC voter to the polls this November!

Se toujou yon Jounen Enskripsyon Elektè nan NYC Votes!

Se toujou yon Jounen Enskripsyon Elektè nan NYC Votes!

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